Transform Your Well-Being with Our Holistic Stress Management Module


How do you feel? Have you experienced stress lately? Stress affects each of us differently, and it is crucial to recognize how you feel under pressure. The symptoms of stress can manifest themselves in various ways.


  • Shoulder/neck tension
  • Sleep disturbances, especially waking up in the early hours of the morning
  • Restlessness, irritability and fluctuating appetite (cravings for sweet or sour foods)
  • Heart palpitations
  • Mood swings


  • As we age, we might also notice symptoms such as emotional stress from life changes, loneliness, or mental stress due to loss, trauma or grief.
  • Younger people often face different stressors like career pressures, family responsibilities, or financial worries, which can lead to disinterest in social activities or anxiety about the future.

Different Types of Stress

  • Physical: Overload from sports or other activities, often experienced as muscle tension or fatigue.
  • Emotional: Issues with partners, family, or an unhealthy workplace atmosphere.
  • Mental: Resulting from trauma, grief, fears, loneliness or excessive worry about the future.

We have designed a new Stress Management Module to help you manage challenging situations better and build resilience for the future. Identifying these symptoms and understanding the type of stress you’re experiencing is the first step toward managing it effectively. All these factors are evaluated during your medical assessment to create a tailored therapy plan. This module is the recommended addition to the programme Mayr Med Detox.


Stress Management Module

Recommended addition to the programme Mayr Med Detox.

Scope of services:

1 x Cortisol Laboratory Test
1 x Medical Stress Evaluation (30 min)

1 x Psychotherapeutic Pre-Consultation (30 min)
1 x Breathwork Group session (60 min)
1 x Stress Release Massage
1 x Recharge Infusion

Total Cost: 890 EUR

Bookable from 8th of September 2024.


  • Nutrition Lecture: Planning mealtimes and understanding what and how to eat in stressful situations.
  • Medical Lecture: Effects of stress on digestion.
  • Sport: Stress Release Yoga. Breathing techniques and sound bowl meditation for relaxation.

BREATHWORK: What is it about?

The parasympathetic breath journey is a specially developed combination of breathing techniques aimed at harmonizing the nervous system and releasing deeply stored stress. This journey is divided into four coordinated phases:

  1. Activation: In the first phase, stored stress is released through powerful breathing exercises. These exercises help to release tension and prepare the body for deeper relaxation.
  2. Balance: By following a harmonious breathing rhythm, the heart rate variability (HRV) is balanced, which leads to an immediate soothing of the nervous system.
  3. Focus: A specific technique helps to control the breath and develop a lasting sense of stability and calm. This process is particularly effective in improving focus and concentration.
  4. Relaxation: Finally, we transition into deep, lasting relaxation. This practice calms the mind and lowers blood pressure.

This Breathwork group session is led by our physician, Dr. Elka Wrolich and can also be booked outside of the stress management module.

Benefits of the Stressmanagement Module:

You will receive the tools to manage challenging situations better and improve your overall well-being. By taking proactive steps to manage your stress, you’ll not only experience immediate stress relief but also build long-term resilience. Our holistic approach focuses on improving your gut health and overall well-being, enabling you to effectively manage stress and lead a healthier, more balanced life.
Invest in yourself and take the first step towards a stress-reduced, resilient future. Begin your journey with us today and experience the transformative benefits of our comprehensive approach to stress management.


Relax, regenerate and recharge.


Bring your body and mind back into balance. Mayr Med Detox is your programme for intensive regeneration and relaxation. The focus is on detoxification and deacidification. Intestinal health and the immune system are sustainably strengthened and new performance levels are restored.

€ 2.550,-
for 7 days per person excl. accomodation

Finding Peace: Managing Stress and regain Calm and Balance

Our Stress Management Module helps you handle challenges and build future resilience.

€ 890,-
Can be booked in addition to Mayr Basic or Classic programme
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